
Special heavy coated austenitic Cr-Ni-Mn electrode for anti-wear surfacings on all steels and for overlaying high manganese steels as well as joining high alloy steels to low alloy / Non alloy steels. Application include drive Sprockets, Track pads, anvils, Hammers, Crushers rolls, Rail tracks.

Technical data

  • Current -: AC/DC (+)
  • Tensile Strength -: 690 N/mm2
  • Elongation -: 40%
  • Hardness (as deposited) -: 16 RC
  • Work hardens to 38 RC

Features and benefits

  • Suitable for tough crack and wear resistant joints.
  • Very high recovery around 160%
  • Deposits are work hardening in nature.
  • Resists corrosion and scaling upto 850 C.
  • Strongly recommended for elastic interpass under hard facing exposed to impact loads.